Content Standards

Reading Writing
Listening & Viewing Speaking

Reading Standards

 2. recognize direct and implied meaning to extend understanding of materials read.

 3. ask questions and make predictions about information or the message found in text ; explain how the meaning of words may be changed by

 4.the use of non-standard English, dialect, and idioms.

 5. use background knowledge and experience to comprehend text.

 9. identify and understand types of figurative language. (example: similes, personification, alliteration

11. describe the mood or meaning conveyed in poetry through word choice, rhythm, repetition, and rhyme.

12. explore a variety of literary works representative of various cultures and times.

14. describe how the text reflects an author’s attitudes, traditions, and heritage.

19. draw conclusions and make inferences based on explicit and implied information.

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Writing Standards

 4. write to connect knowledge within and across disciplines. (example: ecosystems in geography and science)

 6. use words that are expressive, appropriate, and precise to provide clarity and focus for the reader.

 9. use the appropriate format for various forms of writing. (example: reports, letters, poems

14. use simple figurative language in writing. (example: similes, metaphors, idioms, personification, hyperbole

15. use technology to share written work with others.

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Listening and Viewing Standards

 2. ask questions to seek clarification of ideas.

 9. recognize the use of subliminal messages in various aspects of communication.

11. use questions to clarify instructions and directions.

14. combine new information with prior knowledge for recall.

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Speaking Standards

 4. explore the usefulness of listener response.

10. use effective rate, volume, pitch and tone in oral communication.

11. recognize correlation between appearance, self-image, and effective     non-verbal communication.

12. select and use audio-visual aids to maximize effects in various communication situations.

15. explain how environmental factors affect communication. (example: setting, space, audience size)

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