Telelesson Title: Lesson 8: Sample Poetry Bug poems and Explore Poetry sites

Created by: Cwach

Total Time: Teacher discretion: recommended 40 minutes 

Lesson Overview

This lesson is to expose students to different Poetry Bug formats and to explore different poetry sites. This is lesson 8 of 9 lessons which 8 are VTEL.

Standards Based Goal

  Students will be introduced to several different poetry formats and will apply what they learn to create their own poetry portfolio.

Student Objectives

  1. Students will create two different Poetry Bug formats.

  2. Students will explore at least five different sites to see others work to enhance their knowledge about poetry.

Prerequisite Skills

  Students will need to know how to get around on the Internet. Students will need access to computer lab or individual time to explore different poetry sites from my website. This is teacher at each site directed.

Time Sequence

Sequence of Activities

Indicators of Engaged Learning


Technical Considerations








  Have students complete at least two different Poetry Bug formats and submit in an on-line form. Click on white paw for form.

Have students explore at least five sites off my website, your choice if you want a reflective paper or not, or something else from this lesson. under Reading link


Special Considerations  

  • Handouts

  • Computer for writing

  • Large text available

  • Helper if confused getting through links


  Students created at least two different Poetry Bug poems and submit to me. Students explored at least five different poetry sites from my website.